
Get it Done Zone!

Productivity Hack : Eat That Frog!

Welcome to the "GET IT DONE ZONE!" where we dive into actionable tips to supercharge your productivity. Let’s start with a timeless strategy to kick procrastination to the curb: "Eat That Frog!"

What’s this about amphibian cuisine? Fear not, we're not heading to the French countryside; we're adopting a metaphor from Mark Twain, who famously said that if the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day knowing that's probably the worst thing that's going to happen to you.

In productivity terms, your "frog" is your most significant, most daunting task of the day—the one you're likely to procrastinate on if you don't do something about it. The key here is to tackle this task first thing in the morning, every morning, before you do anything else, and without giving it too much thought.

By "eating the frog," you ensure that your most critical task is completed, and everything else for the day feels easier by comparison. Plus, it gives you a momentum boost, knowing you've nailed your biggest challenge right off the bat.

So tomorrow, identify your frog and eat it first thing. You'll be amazed at how much more productive your day will be when you start off with a big win!

Stay tuned for more productivity hacks in the next issue of the "GET IT DONE ZONE!" Happy frog hunting!